Trinidad Wiseman

Heads of Helmes (two men) and head of Trindidad Wiseman (one man) standing side by side

Trinidad Wiseman joins Helmes Group

Estonia's leading software development company Helmes signed an agreement to acquire a 75% stake in Trinidad Wiseman. TWN will continue to operate as an independent company and under its own name with existing management.


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TWN in Numbers


years of experience


specialists in their field


completed projects

16.9 MEUR

2023 Turnover


Smart Future- We Make Your Ideas Happen

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We examine the situation and identify bottlenecks to develop an action plan


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We outline the key actions and stages necessary to reach the desired future


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We design a future solution, validate it, and continue to refine it


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Software Development

We create a software solution, integrate it, maintain it, and provide updates


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We support the client in implementing the change within their organisation


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Trinidad Wiseman is a Workplace for Smart and Independent People.

We create human-centered systems where information technology plays a crucial role. We provide consulting, design services, and software development. Our actions are guided by three core values: human-centeredness, professionalism, and autonomy.


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From an idea to a working solution: the importance of prototyping in development projects

Prototyping has become a crucial tool in today’s software development world. It is an efficient method for visualising and testing solutions before actual devel-opment begins. In this post, we will take a closer look at how user interface pro-totyping can help decrease development costs, make teamwork more efficient, and how it can help us get from an initial idea to a working solution.

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