
Digital accessibility creates equal opportunities

An accessible digital environment is designed and developed so that as many people as possible can use it, including people with special needs and the elderly. A website should not impose limitations on the user's abilities, assistive technologies, screen sizes, or input methods.


People with special needs may prefer to navigate with a keyboard or another device instead of a mouse, or use some form of assistive technology, such as screen reading software or voice commands. They might also change web browser settings to display text and colors in a way that suits them.

Accessibility means more customers.

An accessible digital environment can also be used by people who navigate using a keyboard or some form of assistive technology. Optimizing a page for assistive technologies (according to WCAG guidelines) can, in turn, improve the page's findability in search engines (SEO).


Accessibility means a better user experience.

Addressing WCAG requirements helps make digital environments generally more user-friendly. Accessibility and inclusive design can even be part a part of your brand and marketing strategy, expanding your user base and showing that you care.

Accessibility in Legislation

Public Sector

The European Union Directive (EL) 2016/2102 mandates that public sector websites and mobile applications must comply with the digital accessibility standard EN 301 549.

Private Sector

From 28 June 2025, The European Union Directive (EL) 2019/882 requires private sector digital environments to follow the standard EN 301 549, which so far has only been obligatory for public sector environments.

Read more about the accessibility requirements coming into force for the private sector in 2025. 


The European Union Digital Accessibility Standard and WCAG

EN 301 549 incorporates both the requirements of the international standard WCAG 2.1 AA level and additional supplementary requirements.

Real-Life Examples

Jake is a blind masseur who wishes to purchase new headphones from an online store.

Jaak uses a screen reader to navigate an online store, which reads the website content to him. He finds headphones he likes and adds them to his shopping cart, but he is unable to proceed to the shopping cart page.


The shopping cart button has a shopping cart icon, but it lacks a textual alternative for the screen reader, resulting in it being read as an "unlabeled button". Jaak spends time on this, but is unable to complete his purchase independently. He shares his experience with other visually impaired individuals to warn them about this online store.

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Tuuli is an elderly pensioner who lives alone, has difficulty moving, and uses strong glasses for reading.

Tuuli doesn't want to go to the grocery store because the streets are slippery and the product information and expiration dates on packages are in tiny print. A friend recommended that she order groceries from an online store.


Tuuli likes that she can enlarge the text on her computer enough to read it. However, in this online store, when she enlarges the text, it gets hidden under the product image.


Tuuli also appreciates that online stores allow for easier product searches. But in this online store, she can't find the search function. A small, light grey search box does exist on the page, but Tuuli simply can't see it.

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Tõnis is a student whose laptop touchpad has not been working for a long time, so he navigates using the keyboard

Today, Tõnis needs to submit an important application for school. On the application page, he finds it very difficult to understand where he is, as moving with the keyboard's Tab key does not produce a blue box around links and form fields. Then Tõnis discovers that he is unable to select the required date from the calendar or his course number from a dropdown menu using the keyboard.


He is unable to submit the application because the mandatory fields are not filled in. Tõnis is extremely frustrated by the situation. Even if he were to rush to the store to buy a computer mouse, he wouldn't be able to submit the application on time.

Improving Accessibility

issues of the digital environment, i.e., to conduct an audit.

For the best results, it's advisable to involve an experienced expert. Trinidad Wiseman has extensive experience in web accessibility. Our IAAP WAS sertifikaadiga certified experts adhere to the European Union's accessibility standard EN 301 549 and the international web accessibility guidelines WCAG.

While it’s possible to do the accessibility audit / analysis of your digital environment (website, app, PDF) on your own, it’s important to note that there are about 100 requirements in the European Union’s accessibility standard, and understanding and testing them correctly can be quite time-consuming.

Based on the audit, it is possible to plan and estimate the development work needed to improve accessibility. Read more about when does it makes sense to improve the digital environment and when it might be better to develop a new environment altogether.

We offer the following services:

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Accessibility Analysis and Audit

We map out the accessibility problems of your digital environment in accordance with the standards of EN 301 549 and WCAG 2.2 AA, and provide possible solution recommendations. We conduct accessibility checks for websites, apps, and documents (e.g., PDFs).

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Accessibility Testing in Development Projects

We continuously test the accessibility of components or views as they are developed in a project, providing immediate input for improving accessibility.

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Accessibility Training

Our experienced specialists conduct workshops and trainings on digital accessibility and inclusive design, tailored to your needs and preferences. It is possible to order, for example, a more general training for the entire department and a more technical training for the development team.

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Accessibility Consultation

We advise our clients on improving digital accessibility and assist with updating regulations and quality criteria to ensure better accessibility in digital environments.

Our clients include:

Accessibility audits:


European Food Safety Authority

European Environment Agency


Health Insurance Fund (Tervisekassa)



Health and Welfare Information Systems Centre


Tallink Hotels

Accessibility Consultation:

Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority

Education and Youth Board

Accessibility Training:

UX Fellows


Eesti Energia

University of Tartu

Tallinn University of Technology

Health and Welfare Information Systems Centre

State Information System Authority

Education and Youth Board

Government Office (Riigikantselei)

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications

Contact us

Would you like to order a digital accessibility audit, consultation, or training from us? Please get in touch with our specialists.

Liina Martõnjak

Head of Service Design

Liina is the Head of Service Design at Trinidad Wiseman. With over 14 years of experience in the IT industry, she has worked in roles ranging from developer to interaction designer. Liina holds a master's degree in Interaction Design from University College London and a master's degree in Informatics from TalTech. She has also shared her expertise as a guest lecturer at TalTech and IT College.

Mari-Ell Mets

Web Accessibility Specialist

Mari-Ell has been a certified web accessibility specialist in Estonia since autumn 2021, accredited by the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP). Mari-Ell boasts over five years of experience in digital accessibility, during which she has conducted audits, trained hundreds of individuals, and been involved in dozens of diverse projects in both the private and public sectors in Estonia and the European Union.

If you wish to discuss your project or have questions about the work being done at Trinidad Wiseman, please feel free to get in touch with us.

Get in touch!

*marked fields are mandatory

Full service (UX, analysis, development, testing)

Atlassian services

Business analysis or service design

System analysis

E-government consultation/development



WCAG (Accessibility) consultation or audit


Software testing

Training/other consultation





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