
Mapping for Smart Future

When creating a strategy, website, software solution, or anything else, it's essential to start by mapping the situation. This helps identify bottlenecks and root causes, which enables you to develop an action plan and address the right issues.


 "The collaboration with Trinidad Wiseman stood out for its relaxed communication style, engaging discussions at their office, and their tenacious consistency to keep the project on track. At times, it seemed that analyst Andrus Sarv had even deeper insights into police procedures than the police officers themselves. The presentation of the analysis was clear, fully goal-oriented, and highly effective. The team-building events also had a very positive impact. I was thrilled with the collaboration!" 

Imre Kollo, Project Manager, SMIT e-Police 

If you want to save costs, grow your business, increase sales, improve services, or enhance business processes, mapping will enable you to...

  • Understand your organization's current situation
  • Comprehend customer/user behaviour and its causes
  • Identify bottlenecks in the existing solution and prioritize them
  • Assess the project's scope and its impact on the end user
  • Mitigate risks and plan countermeasures Identify communication issues
  • Compare expectations with reality (such as management and customer expectations, plans versus actual outcomes)

 Know Your Customer/User

To offer a quality product or service, it's important to understand what your customers or users need. Mapping helps identify and comprehend customer/user needs, enabling better decision-making and the creation of products and services that they truly require.

Why is it Important to Study Human Factors?

All changes are associated with human behavior. For example, machinery or information system failures often result from human carelessness or insufficient testing. Mapping identifies bottlenecks and their causes, providing the business leader with options and opportunities to decide which changes to implement for improvement.

Business Cases

In complex structured organizations, the flow of information to strategic decision-making levels can be challenging. Mapping provides an overview of the value that customers derive from your company's products or services. It collects valuable information about your organization's processes, supply chain, and sources of errors, as well as those of your customers.

Improving User Convenience by Understanding Users

Do you want to enhance the user-experience of your environment or develop the user interface? Before planning the work, it's crucial to understand where usability issues exist and what options are available to resolve them. Usability testing plays a key role in pinpointing bottlenecks in the current solution. It illuminates user experiences and the challenges they face, thereby enabling you to directly address and rectify the appropriate problems

Increase Business Process Efficiency

Are you looking to enhance the efficiency of managing incoming sales inquiries? By mapping the sales process, you can effectively identify bottlenecks and devise an action plan to rectify these challenges. During this mapping process, we take a meticulous and comprehensive approach to observing the sales team's work, analysing incoming queries, and evaluating the pace and channels of information flow."

Mapping Problems to Avoid Resource Wastage

Are you looking to grow your business and create a new website to attract customers? Mapping helps avoid wasting resources and provides information on the behaviour of customers who have used your product or service and the causes behind it. .


Once the bottlenecks are identified, you can immediately focus and allocate resources to solving the right problems. For instance, if it becomes apparent that customers do not like your product or service and are not buying it, investing time and money in web design is futile as it doesn't full-fill your objective nor grow your business. In this case, the priority should be addressing issues with the product or service.

Overview of Mapping Service

Mapping Services Explained: What to Expect?

At Trinidad Wiseman, we typically have about 150-160 projects in progress at the same time, about half of which involve studying or reshaping human behavior. We offer both business process analysis and user research.


Our specialists have the ability to equally examine and analyze the human factor, business processes, and technology. We carefully examine the role and behavior of each individual in the process and its causes.


Our extensive international network of partners allows us to carry out projects beyond the borders of Estonia, ensuring quality results even in the local language of a foreign country. For example, we have conducted research simultaneously in different countries for the European Commission and Eurofound.


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Unique Team

Among the service providers, there are business process analysts and user research specialists, but few can deal with both and solve problems from both a technology and human behavior perspective.


Our team includes all roles for studying business problems: business analysts, system analysts, UX researchers, service designers, UX designers, UI designers, designers, and developers. To avoid a technological bias, our design team has as many specialists as the technical team and the team of analysts. Thanks to the combination of their skills, the results of our projects are always thought through from a business perspective.

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Taking the client's objectives into consideration, we engage in a collaborative discussion to formulate and agree upon an action plan, also providing an estimate of its scale. Following this, we carefully choose a methodology that aligns well with the established action plan:


  • Researching human behavior in digital and real environments  
  • Studying documentation  
  • One-on-one interviews  
  • Process analysis Information systems analysis  
  • Measuring different chains of activity (e.g., movement of a sales inquiry)  
  • Identifying errors in the process  
  • Collecting opinions and suggestions from company employees
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We deliver the mapping result according to the format agreed upon with the client. This may include documents, reports, drawings, videos, presentations, process diagrams, journey maps, or development tickets in development environments.


Great Things Are Achieved Together

As experts in the field, we offer guidance throughout the mapping process and provide a variety of alternatives, yet we believe in the autonomy of your decision-making. Why is that? Because we understand that only you have the intricate knowledge of your organization and its inner workings necessary to make detailed and appropriate choices.

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Setting a Clear Project Goal and Embracing Change

Every mapping endeavour requires a precise objective to ensure the research stays focused and adheres to the timeline. The most substantial benefits from mapping are derived when your organization has thoroughly considered the reasoning behind and the need for mapping. Should issues arise during the process, a change in your organization's existing behaviour may be necessary to reach the intended value. Sometimes, readiness for compromise is essential - for instance, a boost in efficiency might result in a certain degree of reduced flexibility. 

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Collaboration and Presence

Our experience underscores that strong collaboration with the client yields the best results. This cooperation is built on an open mindset and readiness for potential unexpected "surprises" that might emerge during the research process. The greatest benefit your organization can glean from mapping will come when you have adequately allocated time for the project. Be prepared to make critical decisions, liaise within your organization, share key information, provide valuable feedback, and avail yourself for meetings and workshops.


Factors Influencing Price and Duration of a Mapping Project

The cost of a research project mainly depends on the volume of the part to be mapped, i.e., how many processes or the behavior of how many people need to be studied. Our experience shows that a customer survey with three target groups usually involves individual interviews with about 15-20 people.


To achieve the best result, in the case of some more complicated problems, it is necessary to process very voluminous studies covering world's best practices. For example, in the project of reforming the Estonian state's special welfare service system, we studied similar experiences in different countries.

Success Stories of Clients Who Have Benefited from Mapping

Mapping out Data Register of Social Benefits’ (STAR) victim support services

In cooperation with the Social Insurance Board and TripleDev OÜ, we conducted an analysis of the Data Register of Social Benefits’ (STAR) victim support services. The goal was to optimise the main processes of the services and to find the best IT solution for securely offering complete victim support services within the STAR information system. 


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Mapping out Data Register of Social Benefits’ (STAR) victim support services

In cooperation with the Social Insurance Board and TripleDev OÜ, we conducted an analysis of the Data Register of Social Benefits’ (STAR) victim support services. The goal was to optimise the main processes of the services and to find the best IT solution for securely offering complete victim support services within the STAR information system. 


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Designing an investment product with SEB

Together with the SEB Bank’s UX design team, we designed a new investment product – micro-investments, the purpose of which is to help provide easy-to-understand information to both new and more experienced investors about where to invest, how to place orders and manage your portfolio and, if necessary, to sell ETFs (exchange-traded funds).


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Our Clients

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications
Ministry of Social Affairs


Would you like to order a mapping project from us? Please contact our Head of Service Design for further assistance.


Specialists in the field of service design handle everything related to user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design, service design, as well as business and pre-analysis. You can approach us at any stage of the project - from idea development to the creation and evaluation of new digital solutions. Our expertise spans the entire design process, ensuring comprehensive support from conceptualization to implementation.

Liina Martõnjak

Head of Service Design

Liina is the Head of Service Design at Trinidad Wiseman. With over 14 years of experience in the IT industry, she has worked in roles ranging from developer to interaction designer. Liina holds a master's degree in Interaction Design from University College London and a master's degree in Informatics from TalTech. She has also shared her expertise as a guest lecturer at TalTech and IT College.

If you wish to discuss your project or have questions about the work being done at Trinidad Wiseman, please feel free to get in touch with us.

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Full service (UX, analysis, development, testing)

Atlassian services

Business analysis or service design

System analysis

E-government consultation/development



WCAG (Accessibility) consultation or audit


Software testing

Training/other consultation





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The role of service design when bringing a new product to market based on the example of SEB’s micro-investments

For a beginner investor, the amount of information and options can be overwhelming, especially since the price of making mistakes is quite high. Still, one should not be robbed of the opportunity to invest in their future simply because they do not understand all the complex details involved in the field. We will talk about how together with SEB Bank’s UX design team we designed a new investment product – micro-investments, which enables users to easily and conveniently invest in global ETFs.

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